Friday, October 25, 2013

Five on Friday!

Friday is finally here! This is our last weekend before we leave for it is extra exciting!

1. I have a family baby shower to attend on Saturday. I am not a huge fan of showers, especially the baby type. I am assuming it will be more exciting once I have kids of my own, but for now, I am just in it for the tasty buffets. 

2. Packing stresses me out. I have begun thinking about potential outfits for our beach vacation, and I always pack way too much. Like most women, I have an irrational fear that I won't have enough clothes. It is the beach...all I really need it a swimsuit and flip flops. And a cute floppy hat. And sunscreen. Oh, and a cover-up. Maybe bug spray? Ugh. See my problem? 

3. Speaking of traveling, I am in need of a traveling tote. I have a decent carry-on sized bag, but I hate to take an actual purse when doing intense traveling. I have been searching for a tote bag with a zipper, but have not had much luck (for less than $40.00). I have been perusing Etsy's selection and will probably go with something along those lines. 

4. Fall candles for the win! Seriously, every fall I forget how much I love the smell of a fall candle burning. There is something about the scent of pumpkins, apples, and leaves that feels so home-y. I wish it was acceptable to burn them year-round. 

5. It is supposed to snow this weekend. I love cold weather. I love fall. Snow in October? I'm not sure. 


Wednesday, October 23, 2013

The Great Cookie Journey

I am a man on a mission! Actually, a woman on a mission.
I want to make the perfect chocolate chip cookie.
Now...this is obviously easier said than done.  I've got some stiff competition,  and it comes in plastic tub.
Raw or baked...this is by far Chris' s favorite cookie dough. Simple enough, right? Just follow the Toll House Recipe. Except that it never turns out just right. So...after trying and failing at countless recipes, I am attempting to come up with my own. But first.. a festive version of the failed original recipe.

M&M Cookies

I found these amazing fall edition m&m's and thought they would make cute cookies (and I will go with any excuse to make cookies) .

I started by creaming together 2 sticks of softened butter, 3/4 cup each granulated and brown sugar, and 2 eggs. 

I then added all the dry ingredients and beat until combined. To that, I added 2 cups of the beautiful M&M's (basically the whole bag...minus what Chris ate while he watched). I also added 1 cup of regular semi-sweet chocolate chips.   

When it was all beautiful and mixed together, I ate 3 spoonfuls dropped cookie-scooped dough onto an ungreased cookie sheet.
Bake at 357 for about 10-12 minutes, and you will have these delicious cookies waiting for you!

So how where they.....? Meh. 
This plate contained the only picture worthy cookies I could find. They spread out way too much and were too thin. Also...I burned at least half of them. To top it all off...they stuck to the cookie sheet and I spent more time scraping them off than I did making them. However, they were still cookies containing M&M's, so no complaints from my other half. However, I will definitely be going back to the drawing board on the cookie thing. 


  • 2 1/4 cups all-purpose flour 1 teaspoon baking soda
  • 1 teaspoon salt
  • 1 cup (2 sticks) butter, softened
  • 3/4 cup granulated sugar
  • 3/4 cup packed brown sugar
  • 1 teaspoon vanilla extract
  • 2 large eggs
  • 2 cups M&M's
  • 1 cup chocolate chips

Preheat oven to 375° F.

Beat butter, granulated sugar, brown sugar and vanilla extract in mixer bowl until creamyAdd eggs, one at a time, beating well after each addition. Gradually add in flour, baking soda and salt and stir until combined. Stir in chocolate chips and M&M's. Drop by rounded tablespoon onto ungreased baking sheets. 

Bake for 10 to 12 minutes or until golden brown. Cool on baking sheets for 2 minutes; remove to wire racks to cool completely. 


Monday, October 21, 2013

Weekend Recap

Ahh...this weekend felt so fall-y! The weather was quite chilly, so that meant lots of blankets and layers (and spiked hot apple cider...). Chris was busy studying for his P.E. exam, so that meant I was not dedicated to any sort of remodeling project for the whole weekend!

Friday night started with me running a bunch of errands on my way home from work. I hate to do anything but go home and relax on Friday nights, but luckily my last stop was to pick up a pizza. It was nice to snuggle with Rocky and check some things off the DVR list.

On Saturday I FINALLY cleaned the upstairs of the house. With all the work we've been doing on the main floor, our bedroom and bathroom has been quite neglected. After lunch I went shopping all by myself. I love having all the time to browse at my own pace, but I always find myself sending Chris pictures for his opinions. I got a great pair of skinny jeans, and a blouse off the clearance rack that will be great under cardigans. I love when that happens. I also went nuts at Target...but at least I came out with the lady-products I went in for! I found these shoes which I am super excited about. I've been searching for a good pair of shopping shoes that are comfy and cute, and I think these fit the bill! They are also a good practice run before I potentially make the plunge on a pair of Toms.

Sunday began lazily with some morning snuggles with the dog, then we headed off to church and went out to lunch. The weather was gorgeous, so headed out to decorate the front porch with the mums and pumpkins we bought weeks ago. After that, I made a big 'ol pot of chili and a pumpkin pie. I made the chili using a kit Chris brought home from a business trip to Texas. The Steeler game started a 4:00, so we got to relax and watch while we enjoyed the chili. Of course...after the Steelers Chris spent the evening watching several other games while I did some studying for our upcoming vacation. 

It was a really relaxing fall weekend, which was definitely a nice change of pace. Here's to wishes for a wonderful work week!


Wednesday, October 16, 2013

Cini Mini Rolls!

I have a terrible obsession with cinnamon rolls. Why can't I have this desire for an easier or healthier breakfast food? Alas, every once in awhile, I feed motivated enough on a Saturday morning to make my own from scratch. Unfortunately,  it is a long process, and I'm usually beyond famished by the time they are ready.

I have been dying to try this recipe that uses crescent rolls, but have had to put it off due to a lack of a mini muffin pan. Talk about your first world problems! I finally got my pan while shopping this past weekend and whipped these cute little babies up in no time!

I started with 1 can of the Pillsbury crescent roll sheet. This will work with the standard crescent rolls, but it is much easier to not have to pinch them together. Spread 1-2 tablespoons of butter all over the dough. Then, sprinkle 1/4 cup brown sugar and 2 tablespoons of cinnamon on top the butter. At this point, I like to spread it around with my hands to make sure everything is evenly covered. 

Starting on the long end, roll up the dough into a log. It does not have to be super tight, but try to pinch the edge to seal so that it won't unravel after you cut them. 

I used a serrated knife to cut my log into 16 even slices. It is easiest to cut the whole log in half, then in half again, etc. Place the individual slices into a greased, brand new mini muffin tin! ...or I guess any 'ol mini muffin tin you happen to have lying around. 

Naturally, my mini muffin tin holds 24 muffins and I only made don't worry about it. :) Pop these babies into a 350 degree oven for about 12-13 minutes. Keep a close eye on them... they are small, so they go from not done to done very quickly. 

While they are cooking, whisk together 1/2 cup powdered sugar and 1 tablespoon of milk. I was feeling caramel-y this weekend, so I also added a few tablespoons of caramel ice cream topping. It is easy to adjust the powdered sugar to liquid ratio to get the perfect consistency. 

When the cinnamon rolls are done, I let them cool a few minutes, and then drizzle with the icing. My icing was a little thin, but that made it ooooze down into all the nooks and crannies and made it extra, extra, extra yummy!

Now, take this plate and glass of milk to your husband sitting in his recliner and be proud of the cutest little breakfast you ever did make. 

1 8oz can refrigerated crescent roll dough
1-2 Tablespoons melted butter
1/4 cup brown sugar
2 Tablespoons cinnamon

For the icing: 
1/2 cup powdered sugar
1 Tablespoon milk (adjust as needed)


Unroll crescent rolls and pinch seams together to make 1 rectangle sheet. Spread butter evenly over entire surface of dough. Sprinkle with cinnamon and brown sugar. Starting with the long side, roll up into a log and pinch the edges to seal. With a serrated knife, cut the log into 16 even pieces. 

Place each pieces into a greased mini muffin pan. Bake at 350 degrees for 12-13 minutes until tops start to become golden brown. While the rolls are baking, whisk together sugar and milk until desired consistency is reached. Remove rolls from oven, and drizzle with icing. 

There you have it! I hope that you will find this recipe just as pleasing as I did! This was way easier than the homemade kind, which made them that much more delicious. Enjoy!


Monday, October 14, 2013

9 Years!

It was 9 years ago today that Chris and I became "officially" boyfriend and girlfriend. After a summer of playing cat and mouse, my high school crush finally asked me to be his girlfriend. Standing at his locker, before homeroom, I dove into a relationship having no idea where it would someday take me.

I remember being at a bonfire that night and watching him with his group of friends. Like a ton of bricks, it hit me that for once, I wasn't on the lonely side of a one-sided relationship. He asked me he must actually like me! Even to this day I find it hard to believe that someone can love me so much.

Being high-school sweethearts may seem cliche, but I feel so incredibly blessed that God has allowed us to grow up together. He is not only my soul mate, but he is my best friend. There is no one who knows me inside and out quite like my husband, and for that, I am so grateful.

So Happy Anniversary honey! I know people say we aren't supposed to celebrate dating anniversaries after we're married, but how can not celebrate the day when it all began? Here's to many more!

Friday, October 11, 2013

Five on Friday!

After countless weekends of working on remodeling our kitchen, I am so glad that we have mostly FUN plans for this upcoming weekend. Needless to say...I feel like Friday has been taking its grand old time getting here!

1. My sister is home from Boston this weekend, and I am so excited to see her and squish the little cheeks of my adorable nephews. We set aside our whole weekend to hang out with them, so I'm sure it will be fun and relaxing.

2. I am suddenly obsessed with candles and bubble baths. I have always been a huge fan of hot, relaxing baths. How have I never thought to light candles? It is amazing. I intend to purchase some dedicated bathtime candles very soon!

3. My skin hates Pennsylvania weather. The huge swings in temperatures and humidity are making my face oily and flaky at the same time. I have made the transition to my extra hydrating face routine for the cold months, but we keep having random humid days.

4. I already miss summer nail colors. I was really gung-ho about grays, but I need just one more round of obnoxious hot pink!

5. I am dying to try this cinnamon roll recipe this weekend. But first I need a mini muffin pan. Life is rough I tell ya.

Happy Weekend!!!

Wednesday, October 9, 2013


Well, I have finally taken the plunge.  After years of stalking following the blogs of other creative and witty women, I am now taking the leap to the other side and stared my own blog!

I am in my third year of marriage to my best friend, and I could never have imagined all the great times we would share. That being said....I have not been the perfect housewife. I have big dreams of being a domestic goddess who can DIY anything and everything... but I am definitely not there yet.

I'm not sure where exactly this blog may go, but I hope you will continue to follow along as I document the successes, the failures, and all the laughs along the way on my journey to becoming a domestic diva!