Friday, October 25, 2013

Five on Friday!

Friday is finally here! This is our last weekend before we leave for it is extra exciting!

1. I have a family baby shower to attend on Saturday. I am not a huge fan of showers, especially the baby type. I am assuming it will be more exciting once I have kids of my own, but for now, I am just in it for the tasty buffets. 

2. Packing stresses me out. I have begun thinking about potential outfits for our beach vacation, and I always pack way too much. Like most women, I have an irrational fear that I won't have enough clothes. It is the beach...all I really need it a swimsuit and flip flops. And a cute floppy hat. And sunscreen. Oh, and a cover-up. Maybe bug spray? Ugh. See my problem? 

3. Speaking of traveling, I am in need of a traveling tote. I have a decent carry-on sized bag, but I hate to take an actual purse when doing intense traveling. I have been searching for a tote bag with a zipper, but have not had much luck (for less than $40.00). I have been perusing Etsy's selection and will probably go with something along those lines. 

4. Fall candles for the win! Seriously, every fall I forget how much I love the smell of a fall candle burning. There is something about the scent of pumpkins, apples, and leaves that feels so home-y. I wish it was acceptable to burn them year-round. 

5. It is supposed to snow this weekend. I love cold weather. I love fall. Snow in October? I'm not sure. 


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